Senin, 22 Juni 2009



"It killed not only the HIV virus, but every virus that was tested in the lab."
U.C.L.A. Medical Center

"I know of no microbe that is not killed in laboratory experiments in six minutes with colloidal silver"

- Dr. Henry Crooks (Use of Colloids in Health Diseases)

“Speaking generally, the colloidal metals are especially remarkable for their beneficial action in ineffective states"

- Dr. Leonard Keene Hirschberg, A. M., M. D. (John Hopkins)

"What we have actually done was rediscover the fact that silver kills bacteria, which had been known for centuries … when antibiotics were discovered, clinical uses for silver as an antibiotic were discarded."

- Dr. Robert O. Becker, M.D.

"Recent studies performed at the UCLA School of Medicine Center for Health Sciences confirmed that colloidal silver kills harmful bacterial, viral, and fungal organisms just minutes after contact." - Journal of Longevity - Vol.4 / No. 10

"When silver was present, the cancer cell dedifferentiated and the body was restored." - Dr. Gary Smith

"In 1989, Thurman and Gerba concluded that metal ions, such as silver ions, can destroy germs located both inside and outside of our human cells.” - Becker, Robert O., MD, Spadaro, JA, "Treatment of Orthopaedic Infections with Electrically Generated Silver Ions," J Bone Jt Surg, 197; 60

"In four years we've described 87 important new medical uses for silver. We're just beginning to see to what extent silver can relieve suffering." - Dr. Richard L. Davies Executive director of the Silver Institute

The Karolinska Institute in Sweden has successfully used silver as a component in its cancer treatments for many years. - Dr. Bjorn Nordenstrom

"Colloidal Silver will prove to be one of the greatest discoveries in preventative, natural health care of all time." - Canty & Baranowski

" studies showed the spectrum of organisms susceptible to electrically generated silver ions was wide action and compared favorably with other antibiotics." - J.A. Spadaro, Ph. D

A study in 1992 concluded that silver terminated all viruses as well as bacteria by interfering with a microbe's chemical respiration. - The University Medical Center

Today, many antibiotics are losing the battle with germs. Fortunately, the best germ killer is finally getting the proper attention from medical science – natural silver. I sincerely recommend that everyone have electrically generated silver in their home as an antiseptic, antibacterial and antifungal agent. - Dr. Joseph Weissman, M.D., University of California Medical School

"Silver is the best all around germ-fighter we have."
- Dr Harry Margraf of St Louis

"Silver Colloids greatly assist in eliminating all known pathogens and guard against opportunistic infections. This 'second immune system' is synergistic..." - Dr. Robert C. Beck, DSc., in "Explore!"

"To primitive life forms silver is as toxic as the most powerful chemical disinfectants and this, coupled with its relative harmlessness to animate life (i.e.mammals), gives it great potential as a disinfectant." N.R. Thompson - Runcorn Health Laboratory in England

"Silver is emerging as a wonder of modern medicine. An antibiotic kills perhaps a half-dozen different disease organisms, but silver kills some 650! Resistant strains fail to develop. Moreover, silver is virtually non-toxic." The Association for Advanced Colloid Research

"Colloidal silver is very effective in treating periodontal disease (gum disease). My patients enjoy the clean fresh breath as colloidal silver immediately cleanses the mouth and destroys odor-causing bacteria. I would recommend that colloidal silver solutions be used after each dental procedure or surgery to eliminate infection and speed healing." - S.R. Cobble, D.D.S.Obstetrics and Gynecology

"Silver is one of the most universal antibiotic substances. When administered in the colloidal form, it is for all practical purposes non-toxic. Silver has been proven to be effective against hundreds of nfectious conditions. It has tremendous anti-microbial power; the history of safe and successful colloidal silver use is extensive, and the number of current health professionals and individuals that successfully utilize colloidal silver to reduce the length and severity of infectious disorders is growing exponentially." Zane Baranowski, CN

Colloidal Silver; it is therefore considered harmless in any concentration. However, all of the silver salts are identified as toxic, although the only adverse effect noted is Argyria. Therefore the concern is with silver salts and compounds, not colloidal silver. The Environmental Protection Agency's Poison Control Center

MacLeod reports colloidal silver being used with marked success in the following cases: "Septic and follicular tonsillitis, Vincent's angina, phlyctenular conjunctivitis, gonorrheal conjunctivitis, spring catarrh, impetigo (contagious acne of face and body), septic ulcer of legs, ringworm, soft sores, suppurative appendicitis after operation (the wounds cleaned rapidly), pustular eczema of scalp and pubes, chronic eczema of meatus of ear with recurrent boils, chronic suppuration in otitis media, and bromidrosis of feet. By injection: gonnorrhoea and chronic cystitis (local), boils, epididymitis." Lancet, Feb. 3, 1912 p. 83.

"The germicidal action of certain metals in the colloidal state having been demonstrated, it only remained to apply them to the human subject, and this has been done in a large number of cases with astonishingly successful results. For internal administration, either orally or hypodermically, they have the advantage of being rapidly fatal to the parasites both bacterial and otherwise without any toxic action on the host. Colloidal silver solution is quite stable even in the presence of salts and the normal constituents of the blood. Its destructive action on toxins is very marked, so that it will protect rabbits from ten times the lethal dose of tetanic (from tetanus) or diphtheric toxin." Searle, A. B. The Use of Colloids Health and Disease (British Medical Journal, May 12, 1917 p.83),

" Anti-microbial and anti-bacterial effects were demonstrated in 10/5 concentrations per milliliter of the following: neisseria gonorrhea, gardurella vaginalisis, streptococcus pyogenes, staphylococcus aureus, candida albicans, candida eolobata, m. furfur, salmonella typhi." Larry C. Ford, M.D., Dept of Obstetrics & Gynecology, UCLA School of Medicine.

Research by Dr. Robert O. Becker, and others indicated that laboratory tests conducted reverted cancer cells back to normal. Other observations made such as a correlation between silver deficiency and illness or proper immune system functioning, burns, soft tissue and bone repair acceleration, and the formation of cells that appear to be able to repair virtually any part of the body. Reduction of inflammation and the antibacterial, germicidal, astringent, antibiotic attributes so far observed are yet to be fully understood. Dr. Robert O. Becker ‘The Body Electric’

"Thanks to eye-opening research, silver is re-emerging as a wonder of modern medicine. An antibiotic kills perhaps a half-dozen different disease organisms, but silver kills some 650. Resistant strains fail to develop. Moreover, silver is virtually non-toxic." -- Science Digest, "Our Mightiest Germ Fighter" by Jim Powell 1978

" has been shown repeatedly that the rapidly exerted disinfectant action is of considerable therapeutic value." -- The British Medical Journal – 1923


Documented use of Colloidal Silver

The following is a list of over 100 documented Medical Journal uses of colloidal silver for the treatment of various conditions, diseases and pathogens:

1. Adenovirus 5 (23)
2. Anthrax Bacilli (2,3)
3. Appendicitis (3)
4. Asper Gillus Niger (18)
5. Axillae and blind boils of the neck (10)
6. B. Coli (3)
7. B. Coli Communis (7)
8. B. Dysenteria (2)
9. B. Tuberculosis (7)
10. Bacilliary Dysentry (4)
11. Bacillius Typhosus (21)
12. Bladder Irritation (12)
13. Blepharitis (13)
14.Bovine Rotovirus (23)
15. Boils (10)
16. Bromidrosis in axillae (12)
17. Bromidrosis in Feet (10)
18. Burns and wounds of the cornea (13)
19. Candida Albicans (18)
20. Cerebrospinal Meningitis (3, 9)
21. Chronic Cystitis (10)
22. Chronic Eczema of anterior nares (10)
23. Chronic Eczema of metus of ear (10)
24. Colitis (4)
25. Cystitis (8)
26. Dacryocystitis (13)
27. Dermatitis suggestive of toxaemia (4)
28. Diarrhoea (4) Diptheria (3)
29. Dysentry (3, 6)
30. Ear Affections (5)
31. Endamoeba Histolytica (cysts) (24)
32. Enlarged Prostate (12)
33. Epiditymitis (12)
34. Erysipelas (3)
35. Endamoeba Histolytica (cysts) (24)
36. Eustachian tubes (potency restored) (8)
37. Follicular Tonsilitis (10)
38. Furunculosis (3)
39. Gonococcus (7)
40. Gonorrhoea (10)
41. Gonorrheal Conjuctivitis (10)
42. Gonorrheal Opthalimia (13)
43. Gonorrheal Prostratic Gleet (11)
44. Haemorrhoids (12)
45. Hypopyon Ulcer (13)
46. Impetigo (10)
47. Infantile Disease (16)
48. Infected Ulcers of the cornea (13)
49. Inflammatory Rheumatism (3)
50. Influenze (11)
51. Interstitial Keratitis (13)
52. Intestinal troubles (6)
53. Legionella Pneumophila (17)
54. Lesion Healing (12)
55. Leucorrhoea (8)
56. Menier's Symptoms (8)
57. Nasal Catarrh (5)
58. Nasopharyngeal Catarrh (reduced) (8)
59. Oedematous enlargement of turbinates without true hyperplasia (9)
60. Offensive discharge of chronic suppuration Otitis Media (10)
61. Ophthalmological uses (3, 12)
62. Para-Typhoid (3)
63. Paracmecium (1)
64. Perineal Eczema (12)
65. Phlegmons (3)
66. Phlyctenular Conjunctivitus (10)
67. Pneumococci (2)
68. Poliovirus 1 (Sabin strain) (23) 69. Pruritis Aani (12)
70. Pseudomonas Aeruginosa (17, 18)
71. Puerperal Septicaemia (15)
72. Purulent Ophthalmia of infants (13)
73. Pustular Eczema of scalp (10)
74. Pyorrhoea Alveolaris (8)
75. Quinsies (8)
76. Rhinitis (9)
77. Ringworm of the body (10)
78. Salmonella (22)
79. Scarlatina (3)
80. Sepsis (16)
81. Septic Tonsilitis (10)
82. Septic Ulcers of the legs (10)
83. Septicaemia (5, 8)
84. Shingles (8)
85. Soft sores (10)
86. Spore-forming Bacteria (24)
87. Spring Catarrh (10)
88. Sprue (6)
89. Staphyloclysin (inhibits) (2)
90. Staphylococcus Aureus (17)
91. Staphylococcus Pyogenea (7)
92. Staphylococcus Pyogens Albus (2)
93. Staphylococcus Pyogens Aureus (2)
94. Streptococci (7)
95. Streptococcus Faecalis (17)
96. Subdues inflammation (12)
97. Suppurative Apendicitis (post-op) (10)
98. Tinea Versicolor (10)
99. Tonsilitis (8)
100. Typhoid (3)
101. Typhoid Bacillus (14)
102. Ulcerative Urticaria (4)
103. Urticaria suggestive of toxemia (12)
104. Valsava's inflammation (8)
105. Vegetative B. Cereus cells (24)
106. Vincent's Angina (10)
107. Vorticella (1)
108. Warts (12)
109. Whooping Cough (8)

More recent articles have described silver being used to treat:

  • Adenovirus [5, 23]
  • Aspergillus Niger [18]
  • Bacillius Typhosus [21]
  • Bovine Rotavirus [23]
  • Candida Albicans [18]
  • Endamoeba Histolytica (Cysts) [24]
  • Escherichia Coli [17, 18, 21]
  • Legionella Pneumophilia [17]
  • Poliovirus 1 (Sabin Strain) [23]
  • Pseudomonas Aeruginosa [17, 18]
  • Salmonella [22]
  • Spore-Forming Bacteria [24]
  • Staphylococcus Aureus [17]
  • Streptococcus Faecalis [17]
  • Vegetative B. Cereus Cells [24]

Bibliographic References

1. Bechold, H. (1919). Colloids in biology and medicine, translated by J.G.M. Bullow. D. Van Nostrand Company: New York, p. 367.
2. Ibid., p. 368. 3. Ibid., p. 376.
4. Searle, A.B. (1919). The use of colloids in health and disease. (Quoting from the British Medical Journal, May 12, 1917). E.P. Dutton and Company: New York, p. 82.
5. Ibid., (Quoting from the British Medical Journal, Jan. 15, 1917), p.83.
6. Ibid., (Quoting from Sir James Cantlie in the British Medical Journal, Nov.15, 1913), P. 83.
7. Ibid., (Quoting Henry Crooks), p. 70.
8. Ibid., (Quoting J. Mark Hovell in the British Medical Journal, Dec. 15, 1917), p. 86.
9. Ibid., (Quoting B. Seymour Jones), p. 86.
10. Ibid., (Quoting C.E.A. MacLeod in Lancet, Feb.3, 1912), p. 83.
11. Ibid., (Quoting J. MacMunn in the British Medical Journal, I, 1917), p. 86
12. Ibid., (Quoting Sir Malcom Morris in the British Medical Journal, May, 1917), p. 85.
13. Ibid., (Quoting A. Legge Roe in the British Medical Journal, Jan. 16, 1915), p. 83.
14. Ibid., (Quoting W.J. Simpson in Lancet, Dec. 12, 1914). pp71-72.
15. Ibid., (Quoting T.H. Anderson Wells in Lancet, Feb. 16, 1918), p. 85.
16. Index-catalogue of the library of the Surgeon General's office United States Army, U.S Government Printing Office: v. IX, p. 628. (1931)
17. Moyasar, T.Y.: Landeen, L.K.; Messina, M.C.; Kutz, S.M.; Shulze, R; and Gerba, C.P. (1990). Disinfection of bacteria in water systems by using electrolytically generated copper:silver and reduced levels of free chlorine. Found in Canadian Journal of Microbiology. The National Research Council of Canada: Ottawa, Ont. Canada, pp.109-116.
18. Simonetti, N.; Simonetti, G; Bougnot, F.; and Scalzo, M. (1992). Electrochemical Ag+ for preservative use. Article found in Applied and Environmental Microbiology. American Society for Microbiology: Washington, V.58, 12, pp.3834-836.
19. Slawson, R.M.; Van Dyke, M.I.; Lee, H.; and Trevors, J.T. (1992) Germanium and silver resistance, accumulations, and toxicity in microorganisms. Article found in Plasmid. Academic Press, Inc.: San Diego, v.27,1,pp.73-79. 20. Thurman, R.B. and Gerba, C.P. (1989). The molecular mechanisms of copper and silver ion disinfection of bacteria and viruses. A paper presented in the First International Pharmacology Conference on Gold and Silver in Medicine. The Silver Institute: Washington, v. 18, 4, p. 295. 21. Ibid., p. 299. 22. Ibid., p. 300. 23. Ibid., p. 301. 24. Ibid., p. 302.

The Wonder Cure Time Forgot

Protecting your health Unfortunately, as quickly as modern science creates antibiotics, nature responds with super-strain microbes that resist them and steal years off your life. Paradoxically, nature also provides silver, a precious solution to the problem. The colloidal form of silver is certainly "nature's safe and effective antibiotic and disinfectant."

Colloidal Silver can be used topically and internally on people (from infants to seniors) and even pets and may prove very helpful as an alternative to prescription drugs and antibiotics for fighting the following health problems: acne, allergies, athlete's foot, blastocystis hominous, burns, chronic diarrhea, colds, conjunctivitis, cuts, ear infections, influenza, emphysema, eye infections, fungal infections, Giardia lamblia, head lice, hepatitis B and C, herpes, laryngitis, lyme disease, osteomyelitis, psoriasis, ringworm, rosacea, shingles, sinus infections, skin infections, sores, throat infections, ulcerative colitis, urinary infections, warts, wounds, yeast infections (candida albicans), and more!

Some Silver History Silver has been used as a remedy for centuries. Greek and Roman societies stored liquids in silver-lined containers to keep them fresh. American settlers traveling west would put a silver dollar in milk to delay its spoilage. Native American Indians added powdered silver to a newborn's first bath as protection against a harsh and stressful world. In 1834, the German obstetrician F. Crede administered silver nitrate to the eyes of newborn infants, virtually eliminating the incidence of disease which caused blindness. In the late 1800's Western scientists were able to prove what had been known in Eastern medicine for literally thousands of years . . . that silver was a proven germ fighter! By the early 1900's the antibacterial colloidal silver became the choice of medical practitioners. It proved to be enormously effective against infectious organisms and extremely safe to use, without the negative side-effects associated with drugs. The use of silver as a medicine was widespread until World War II when antibiotics became the standard treatment for infections.

Silver Is Essential to Life! The human body contains about .001% silver. We obtain silver and all minerals in the body through the food we eat. There are billions of living organisms in a handful of soil, which break down the minerals so they can be assimilated into the plant. when we eat the plant, these minerals (now in an ionic form) are absorbed into the bloodstream and carried to various organs to be utilised. This is how nature intended us to get our minerals.

Long ago, kings and queens were called 'blue bloods' because of the silver content of their blood and the blueness of their skin. Royalty used silver plates, bowls and utensils almost exclusively when eating. Over a long period of time, they ingested large particles of silver that caused a permanent discoloration of the skin due to silver compound deposits. This condition is known today as argyria. There is no danger of argyria happening today if using pure silver (99.999%) in manufacturing is colloid.

Minerals in the soil control metabolism of cells in man, plants and animals. Soil has become so depleted, trace minerals are not available for adequate nourishment. Silver is a trace mineral that has literally disappeared from the soil. If we cannot get the quality of nutrients from the food we eat, deficiencies develop.

Just What is Colloidal Silver? Modern Colloidal Silver is a powerful, natural antibiotic, antiseptic, and antimicrobial solution. Various forms of silver have been used for thousands of years to treat a wide variety of health problems.

Colloidal Silver has no known negative side effects. It provides the catalyst which disables the enzyme that all one-celled invaders use for their oxygen metabolism.

In effect, Colloidal Silver 'strangles' over 650 disease-creating bacteria, fungi (including yeasts), viruses, and parasites by cutting off their oxygen supply. Because these micro-organisms are suffocated, rather than poisoned, resistant strains fail to develop (the germs cannot mutate and develop), keeping your body protected and healthy throughout the years. Yet Colloidal Silver is of no harm to human enzymes or any part of the human body chemistry. It kills all disease-causing organisms, in six minutes or less, upon contact - even those that are pleomorphic. The body does not develop a tolerance to Colloidal Silver and sufficient amounts of this substance in your body is equivalent to a superior second immune system!

In Colloidal Silver, small clusters of silver atoms are electronically suspended in deionized, distilled water (see the definition of a colloid below). Many modern uses for silver as an antimicrobial agent exist. NASA uses a silver system to purify water on space shuttle missions. As an algaecide in swimming pools, silver is excellent because low concentrations (only two parts per million) are needed and it does not irritate a swimmer's eyes. Silver salts are used to treat burn victims so that infection can be avoided. In fact, silver is used in all major burn centers throughout the United States. Some cosmetic companies are using silver as a preservative in products because of its non-toxicity. UCLA medical labs found it effective on every virus they tested it on. Colloidal Silver exceeds the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's recognized standards.

What is a Colloid? The dictionary definition of a colloid is "a substance that - is in a state of division preventing passage through a semi-permeable membrane - consists of particles too small for resolution with an ordinary light microscope, and in suspension or solution, fails to settle out and diffracts a beam of light." Okay, so what does that mean? Basically, a true colloid of silver will stay suspended in a solution of water and not fall to the bottom or clump together. Therefore, the colloid of silver is small enough to be effectively used by the body to destroy invading bacteria and other microbes. A typical colloidal silver particle is a microscopic 0.001 microns. Clinical observations have determined that the smaller the particle, the more antiseptic effect it has. Particle sizes of 0.001 microns and smaller are a necessary factor in choosing a quality Colloidal Silver product that is going to work.

Colloidal Silver Usage Liquid Colloidal Silver can normally be found in dark brown glass bottles that contain two to four fluid ounces. The bottles will either have a pump sprayer or eyedropper for applying the doses. At times of need, the solution should be taken one or two times per day, with one or two dropperfuls at each dose. Colloidal Silver is completely odorless and the more potent formulas are a dark yellow color. It tastes just like distilled water and can be ingested or applied to the skin, in the eyes, nose, or ears, or any other body part that requires treatment. It is the perfect solution for use on small children and since it tastes just like water, getting fussy kids to take it is quite simple. It is very safe for pregnant and nursing women to use and is known to aid the developing fetus in growth. It will not generate free radicals that damage cells or interfere with enzyme activity. It has no reactions with other medications.

The Pharmaceutical Movement People often ask, 'if this stuff is so terrific, why haven't I heard about it before?' Much of the colloidal research was set aside due to the introduction of penicillin and other fast working, less costly and more profitable pharmaceuticals. Actually, using the allopathic, medical approach to treating infectious disease is relatively new but is already in serious trouble because of changing pathogenic microbes, Often nasty side effects accompany the use of drugs and medications do not treat the cause of disease.

For literally thousands of years people have used food, herbs, fasting, colon cleansing and other natural methods to strengthen the immune system to keep themselves healthy and to prevent disease. Today there is a tremendous resurgence of this information and practice.

Conclusion Colloidal Silver is truly an all-natural alternative to prescription antibiotics and may just be the answer to any of a number of health conditions that you or someone you know may be suffering from. It is non-toxic, safe, effective, without negative side-effects and can be used by anyone - young and old alike. Colloidal Silver is one of the best options available for strengthening the body's immune system and helping to eliminate infectious diseases of all types.

Appendicitis (post-op)
B. Coli
Hypopyon Ulcer
B. Dysenteria
Anthrax Bacilli
Axillae and Blind Boils of the Neck
B. Coli Communis
B. Pyocaneus
Bacillary Dysentery
Bladder Irritaion
Bromidrosis in Axille
Bromidrois in feet
Burns and wounds of the Corneal
Cerebro-Spinal Meningitis
Chronic Eczema of Anterior Nares
Chronic Cystitis
Chronic Eczema of Meatus of Ear
Cystitis Puritis Ani
Dermatitis suggestive of Toxemia
Enlarged Prostate
Eustachian Tubes (potency restored)
Follicular Tonsilittis
Gonorrhoeal Conjunctivitis
Gonorrhoea Opthalmial
Interstitial Keratitis Infantile Disease
Inflammatory Rheumatism Infected Ulcers of the Cornea
Intestinal Troubles
Nasal Catarrh
Perineal Eczemal
Puerperal Septicemia
Pustular Eczema of Scalp
Phlyctenular Conjunctivitis
Purulent Opthalmia of Infants
Pyorrhoea Alveolaris (Rigg’s Disease)
Offensive Discharge of Chronic
Ringworm of the body
Septic Tonsillitis
Septic Ulcers of the legs
Soft Sores
Spring Catarrh
Staphylococcus Pyogenea
Staphlococcus Pyogens Aureus
Staphyloclysin (inhibits)
Staphylococcus Pyogens Albus
Subdues Inflammation
Supporation in Otitis Media
Suppurative Appenclicitis (post-op)
Tiea Veriscolor
B. Tuberculosis
Turbinates without True Hyperplasia
Typhoid Bacillus
Ulcerative Urticaria
Urticaria suggestive of Toxaemia
Valsava’s Inflammation
Vincent’s Angina
Whooping Cough

Internal Infections flu/fevers Herpes hepatitis epstein-barr bronchitis pneumonia yeast/vaginal

External Infections eyes & ears
sore throat
abscesses /dental
poison oak & rashes
burns, cuts & bites
athletes foot or groin

Recent articles have described Silver being used to treat:

Aspergillus Niger
Bacillius Typhosus
Bovine Rotavirus
Candida Albivans
Entamoeba Histolytica (cysts)
Escherichia Coli
Legionella Pneumophila
Poliovirus 1 (Sabin Strain)
Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
Salmonella 22
Spore-forming Bacteria
Staphylococcus Aureus
Streptococcus Faecails
Vegetative B. Cereus Cells

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