Senin, 22 Juni 2009


A collection of references & information on colloidal silver from around the world
Natural Antibiotic Alternative & Multi-Function Germicide
A powerful TOTALLY SAFE NATURAL germ killer effective against a wide variety of bacterial, viral and fungal infections
Colloidal silver is a natural liquid mineral supplement found in almost every health food store in the U.S.A and Europe. It is much like mineral water, except that the only mineral in the water are sub-microscopic particles or ions of pure silver.
Silver has been known for thousands of years to have powerful, broad-spectrum infection-fighting qualities. When the process for making it was discovered in the late 1800's it became a very popular natural infection-fighting agent, used both topically on cuts, burns and infections, and internally as a remedy for a wide variety of infectious diseases.
Numerous medical studies were conducted on colloidal silver throughout the early 1900's and it was widely used in hospitals and laboratories around the world in a wide variety of forms to help fight infection and disease.
Studies documenting its infection-fighting qualities were written up in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), the British Medical Journal Lancet, and many others.
Ionic Colloidal Silver
The Natural Germicide
Colloidal silver is fast becoming the ‘peoples germicide’, effective inexpensive and without side-effects. Natural health practitioners and scientists around the world are using it as an alternative to antibiotic, antiviral and antifungal products.

Colloidal Silver has been around for long time. It was approved as an effective antibiotic over seventy years ago and has long been supported by many top scientists and medical doctors.

A hundred years ago before the discovery of antibiotics, colloidal silver was considered a ‘high-tech’ germ fighter and was used by doctors to treat many serious conditions, including typhoid, gonorrhea, whooping cough, tonsilitis and others.

The traditional medical establishment today knows little about colloidal silver and many doctors may caution against it’s use. It is actually a very simple and harmless product that kills so many different germs.

Many people today are losing faith in modern drugs due to the high cost, limited effectiveness and side effects they produce. There is great concern about the overuse of antibiotics and the alarming growth of resistant strains of bacteria.

Large pharmaceutical companies are not interested in colloidal silver because as a natural product as it cannot be patented. A profitable product will always be preferred over a non-profitable one - this is a fact of modern business, not an attack on the pharmaceutical industry.

Without a profit incentive, no company is willing to invest the $100 million or more needed to conduct double-blind medical trials needed for official FDA approval. Colloidal silver is sold as a dietary supplement and there are many different products on the market today.

Colloidal Silver is a mineral solution containing mostly positively charged ions (atoms) of pure silver and a small content of ultra-microscopic silver particles suspended in a medium of pure distilled water.

As the particles have the same electrostatic charge (zeta potential), they repel each otherand this keeps them in uniform suspension throughout the medium - this is why it is called a colloid.

Silver atom Positively charged silver atom or ion

Colloidal silver is effective in minute concentrations, the silver ions penetrate all living tissue, bacteria and virus rendering them inactive.

Silver has been known for centuries as a powerful germ killing agent. Ancient civilizations used silver containers to store liquids and the wealthy used eating utensils made of silver.

Colloidal silver was developed in around 1891 and was used to treat scores of infectious ailments. It was taken orally, injected intravenously, used as eye drops and as a throat gargle, and applied topically.

Albert Searl, the founder of Searl Pharmaceuticals which later became Merck, was a leading researcher and proponent of colloidal silver in the early 1900’s. In his book “The Use of Colloids in health and Disease”, he presents his findings on the curative effects of colloidal silver and reviews numerous articles published in the British Medical Journal and Lancet on the successful use of colloidal silver in curing disease. He states … “ colloids for internal administration, either orally or hypodermically, they have the advantage of being rapidly fatal to parasites – both bacterial and otherwise – without any toxic reaction to the host.”

Similar results were confirmed by eminent medical researchers such as Macleod, Sir James Cantlie, Sir Malcome Morris and Henry Crookes.

Silver preparations during these early times were produced by a number of manufacturers and were called by various names such as: Argenti Acetas, Albargin, Argonin, Argyn, Argyrol, Largin, Lunosol, Novargan, Proganol and Silvol.

The early methods for producing colloidal silver were quite primitive compared to the technology available today, The price was also very expensive with some products being sold for up to $100 an ounce (30ml).

Over 96 different silver formulations were in use prior to 1939, as documented by The Council on Pharmacy & Chemistry of the American Medical Association1, many of which were used intravenously.2,3

In 1938 cheaper sulfa drugs and later when penicillin became widely available, colloidal silver was forgotten. By 1970 the major pharmaceutical companies no longer produced colloidal silver and it was no longer listed in medical treatment reference books.

The most common silver preparations used today are Silverdyne, a germ fighting cream for serious burns and silver nitrate solution which is used in the eyes of newborn babies to prevent neonatal eye infections.

1 . Hill, WR, Pillsbury, DM, Argyria: The Pharmacology of Silver,Williams & Wilkins Co.1939;p.169
2. Tobler, T, Schweiz Med Wchnschr, 1922; 52:774. 3. Voigt, J, Ztschr f d ges exper Med, 1926; 52:33-40.

Silver in the correct "ionic" form Early forms of medicinal silver consisted of fine silver powder mixed in solutions and creams. These large particles worked for some applications but the particle size was too big to enter individual cells. Ions however are super-minute atoms of silver held in suspension in distilled water by their positive electrical charge. These ions are small enough to enter the cell where viruses hide.
The microscopic size of the silver ion allows easy passage into and out of the cellular tissues.
Ionic silver water looks clear and tastes like water. Other silver products appear grey or yellow because of their large particle size or additives.
Only ionic silver has a positive electrical charge and remains in suspension and active for years. Our 7 ppm ionic silver is much more effective than even 100ppm to 500ppm products!
Ionic vs Non-Ionic

Non-ionic silver has large particles Our 7 ppm colloidal silver has - much less bio-active. trillions of minute bio-active ions.
Many products are called "colloidal silver", only the ionic form is small enough to penetrate the cell wall which makes it much more effective. The silver ions do not accumulate in tissues but are rapidly expelled in a few hours.


• Silver acts as a powerful, broad spectrum anti-microbial agent, immune system booster, aids in healing damaged tissue and proper cell regeneration.

• Research shows that colloidal silver has natural antibiotic-like properties and acts against single-celled organisms.

• It helps boost the immune system and acts as a second defense against infections. It has shown to have the ability to fight viruses - antibiotics do not work against viruses.

• Results from research teams & universities have shown outstanding properties (in vitro) against a wide variety of bacterial & viral pathogens.

• Taken in small amounts, internally or externally, it is claimed to have a beneficial effect on many conditions.

• Colloidal Silver is non-toxic, non-addictive, no side effects - the body develops no tolerance - cannot overdose.

• Colloidal Silver cannot cause harm to the liver, kidneys or any other organs in the body.

• It does not intereact or interfere with other medicine being taken and is effective against antibiotic-resistant strains of pathogens.

• It is harmless to the eyes, contains no free radicals, is harmless to human enzymes and has no reaction with other medications.

• It aids in the regeneration of damaged cells and tissues, helps prevents colds, flu, and organism-caused diseases.

• It does not sting when used on cuts, abrasions or open wounds - even in the nose or eyes, and unlike antiseptics, it does not destroy tissue cells.

• It can also be used as a disinfectant for your hands or on any surface where germ killing is required.

Colloidal silver is now commonly being used to treat many simple and more serious health problems, both internally and externally. It is also used in colonics, enemas and douches.

It is taken orally as a preventative to boost the immune system by eliminating harmful pathogens in the body resulting in faster healing.


For maximum absorbtion coloidal silver should be held in the mouth for at least 30 seconds, swishing it around the tongue before swallowing - the ultra-microscopic silver ions will be absorbed immediately into the bloodstream.

Smaller frequent doses are believed to be more effective than taking one or two larger doses - maintaining a constant level of silver ions in the body over a period of time is considered the most beneficial way of using colloidal silver.

For problems of the digestive system and in cases of food poisoning, a much larger quanity (100 mls) should be drunk without holding in the mouth and immediately followed by drinking a glass of water to push the product into the area needed.

Exact dosages have not been established and seem to vary with the individual - this is not critical as correctly produced electro colloidal silver in non-toxic at virtually all levels.
Most users report consuming between 15 to 30 mls twice a day of a 5-10 PPM product before food or half an hour after eating for general health conditions.
People with serious health problems are reported to drink 30 ml every 4 hours.

NOTE: Drinking larger amounts of water will help flush toxins from the body. Regular bowel movements are important too- try and exercise more. Eliminate refined sugar, refined flour products and saturated fats from your diet.


Apply directly to wounds, cuts, insect bites, burns, sores and other skin conditions - does not sting or burn, assists the surrounding tissue in promoting rapid healing. Spray directly onto the affected area and allow to dry – apply as many times as necessary.

Apply to dressing, gauze or band aid - keep moist with further additions for as long as possible. The longer the contact time with the affected area - the better and faster will be the results.

It may be used in the ears and eyes using a dropper or spray. Can be used in intimate areas for the elimination of odour and bacteria – gentle and non-irritating

Use as a disinfectant for hands & for any situation that requires the elimination of germs.
FACE Spray after cleansing or at anytime. More than 5 times a day is recommended - the longer the contact period, the better. For acne, use in place of your regular toner. Functions as an antibacterial, antiseptic and disinfectant.
NASAL Use as a nasal spray. Liberally spray as required or a couple of drops into the nose for any infection in the nasal passage. Use at the first sign of a cold, flu or for sinusitis.
EARS A couple of drops in the ear for infection.
INTIMATE HYGIENE Highly effective as a safe vaginal dodorant. Reported to be an excellent treatment for candida infections. Suitable for the most sensitive areas of the body, as a douche, enema or colonic.


• Spray on band aids
• Spray on burns, cuts, grazes or wounds
• Spray for any skin problem, insect bites, itching or irritation
• Spray for pimples & acne

• Add to rinse water or spray vegetables, fruit, meat & seafood
• Spray food containers, lunch boxes, refrigerator, garbage bins
• Spray cutting boards, food contact surfaces, dishcloths and sponges
• Spray or add a few drops to leftover food before storing
• Add to dishwater
• Add to drinking water if quality is suspect
• Add to cleaning solutions
• Wipe for telephone, keyboards, headphones, computer mouse
• Spray for airconditioner filters after cleaning
• Wipe or spray air ducts & vents
• Spray or use in rinse water for toilet seats, bowls, sinks, work areas, tables, door handles
• Sprays on carpets, curtains, upholstery, matresses & windowsills
• Spray bath & shower mats
• Spray in shoes
• Spray clothes before storing
• Add to laundry rinse water especially for diapers
• Spray watchbands & gloves

• Spray hair and body after bathing
• As a gargle for sore throat
• As a deodorant spray for underarm, feet & intimate areas
• As a facial spray for acne
• As a mouth wash
• Clean under nails, in ears & navel with a cotton bud
• Wipe hearing aids and spectacle frames
• As a sterilizing solution for toothbrushes & dentures
• Add to bathwater, douches & colonics
• Spray or soak combs, hair brushes, facecloths & bath sponges
• As a disinfecting spray for hands & intimate areas
• Spray on sanitary pads before use
• Spray for nappy rash on babies


According to FDA, EPA and Ministry of Environment in Canada, it is very safe.

In Nov 1999 the FDA confirmed through a Freedom of Information query, there have been:

No Reported Deaths
No Allergic reactions
No harmful drug interactions
No cases of Argyria from electro colloidal silver

The EPA reference dose for daily lifetime consumption is 14 teaspoons (70 ml) a day of 5 PPM colloidal silver – meaning there is no danger or side effects for a sensitive individual taking that dose daily for 70 years!
The FDA Admits it has no Clinical Data Suggesting Colloidal Silver is Unsafe for Human Use
Food and Drug Administration
U.S. Department Of Health & Human Services
Public Health Service
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 October 14th, 1999
Dear Sirs/Madam,
Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act and in regard your August 17th, 1999 ruling regarding colloidal silver, could you please supply the following documentation on which you based your decision?
• The number of deaths related to the consumption of colloidal silver.
• The number of allergic reactions to the consumption of colloidal silver.
• The number of harmful drug interactions from both OTC and prescription drugs when combined with colloidal silver.
• The number of reported cases of Argyria from colloidal silver made with the AC or DC electrical process.
• The number of cases of Argyria from colloidal silver that did not contain protein stabilizers.
Thank you for your time and consideration of this request.
(Name withheld)

The FDA response:
Public Health Service
Center for Drug Evaluation and Research
Office of Training and Communication
Freedom of Information Staff HFD-205
5600 Fishers Lane 12 B 05
Rockville, Maryland 20857 November 3, 1999

In Response Refer to File: F99-22589 [ Name Removed ], WA 98408
Dear [ name removed ]:
This is in response to your request of 10/14/99, in which you requested adverse events associated with the use of Colloidal Silver. Your request was received in the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research on 10/25/99.
We have searched the records from FDA's Adverse Event Reporting System (AERS) and have been unable to locate any cases that would be responsive to your request.
Charges of $3.50 (Search $3.50, Review $0, Reproduction $0, Computer time $0) will be included in a monthly invoice. DO NOT SEND ANY PAYMENT UNTIL YOU RECEIVE AN INVOICE.
If there are any problems with this response, please notify us in writing of your specific problem(s). Please reference the above file number.
Sincerely, Hal Stepper

Freedom of Information Technician
Office of Training and Communications
Freedom of Information Staff, HFD-205


Sometimes a person starting taking ionic colloidal silver may experience what is known as “The Herxheimer Reaction”.

If pathogens are killed off too quickly, the body may be temporarily overloaded with toxins that are released as they die. The body may be unable to process and eliminate these toxins quickly enough causing a brief “healing crisis” with flu-like symptoms, minor skin rash, headache, fatigue, aching muscles or mild diarrhea.

This is not a bad sign, it shows that the pathogens are being killed and that the product is doing its job. All of these conditions should subside quickly.

Reduce the dosage or temporarily stop taking the colloidal silver until the “healing crisis” is over. Start again using smaller quanitites then build up dosage gradually.

This is not a toxic reaction to colloidal silver, but a measure of the effectiveness in killing off undesireable pathogens in the body


If the pathogen causing the problem is active in the large intestine, this is one place where colloidal silver when used as normally recommended may not easily penetrate. This is due to the high absorption of silver in the small intestine, normal doses are absorbed before they reach the large intestine.

Drinking a large dose of Colloidal Silver followed by drinking 500 ml of water on an empty stomach should give almost immediate relief from the worst symptoms.

Reports of disturbances to the friendly bacteria in the stomach by colloidal silver are very rare – antibiotics on the other hand normally will require the user to supplement with yogurt or other lactobacillus products to replenish levels of beneficial bacteria in the stomach.
ARGYRIA Argyria is an irreversible blue -grey coloring of skin and mucosa due to taking silver that is not pure, but a compound, especially in nitrate form.
The FDA estimates that one would need to take 3.8 grams a day of pure silver to be at risk for argyria - an enormous amount - at 5 ppm it would require drinking 760 litres a day, every day !
Dr A. Schauss of John Hopkins University writes: “ We could not locate a single case of orally consumed colloidal silver manufactured in the last 25 years causing Argyria in our review of the literature”.
Synergistic Effect? Recent in-vitro research from Brigham Young University and published in the Journal of Current Science has shown that when colloidal silver is added to certain prescription antibiotic drugs, the infection-fighting qualities of the drugs are greatly increased against multiple drug resistant pathogens.

This has led to speculation that silver will soon be added to antibiotic drugs in order to enhance their effectiveness when dealing with drug-resistant pathogens!


ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANT BACTERIA A serious problem today is that bacteria are becoming resistant to antibiotics -bacteria do not develop resistance to silver.

Drug resistant strains of bacteria are becoming common - it is only a matter of time until we have diseases we cannot control.

New diseases are appearing at an alarming rate, many of which do not respond to treatment by conventional drugs or antibiotics.

Antibiotics were once very effective on a narrow range of bacteria and inexpensive to make. The medical community was encouraged to prescribe them exclusively, even though a given antibiotic drug will effectively kill only six to eight different micro-organisms, and in spite of the fact that these germs can eventually develop strains that are immune to the drug.

Assuming that our ancestor's diet used to contain trace silver, and that our diet probably has greatly reduced levels, there is a reasonable argument for supplementing with colloidal silver.

Colloidal Silver is a natural remedy designed to replenish trace silver missing in our bodies due to the depletion of soil minerals as a result of modern farming techniques.

Although colloidal silver is now much less costly to manufacture, it is mainly ignored by the medical community.

Due to the fact that it is not a patentable product, the large drug companies have no commercial interest in it, even though they are well aware of its power.

Conventional drug-based medicine often focuses on curing the symptoms, not the cause, and has only a limited range of antibiotic medications at its disposal.

Natural medicine will often find a very simple cure for a simple problem, getting to the root cause, not just treating the symptom.

Colloidal Silver has been used in natural medicine for a very long time and it is not a secret.

It is because society has turned a blind eye to this type of simple medicine that is at fault.

It is a well known fact that modern hospitals are dangerous places due to the presence of highly resistant strains of bacteria resulting from the constant use of disinfectants. Weaker germs are destroyed, but a few of the strong survive to breed hardier strains. This problem does not exist with colloidal silver.

The uncontrolled use of antibiotics in some third world countries where they are available as ‘over the counter’ medication, is producing strains of super bugs that are highly resistant to antibiotic drugs. There is a definite danger of future plagues because of this.

One of the real problems has been that people use antibiotics when they aren't needed, such as for the common cold and other viral infections. This has led to the proliferation of these drug resistant strains of bacteria. Viruses do not respond to antibiotics, so prescribing them is futile and should not be done.

It is estimated that 40–50% of antibiotic production is used in animal and agriclultural sectors, so when we consume these products we are creating even greater resistance to antibiotics in our body.
LACK OF SILVER IN OUR DIETS It is suggested that the lack of dietary silver could be responsible for the many ailments we increasingly seem to suffer from these days, from simple coughs and colds to the possible onset of major disease. Replacing the missing silver may be the key towards enhanced health and quality of life.

In 1940, Kehoe reported that under normal circumstances, the average daily intake of fruits and vegetables would provide between 50-100 mcg of silver as a trace element.

Since that time, commercial farm soils have become extremely deficient in trace minerals.

According to the Earth Summit Report, issued in 1992, the levels of soil based minerals in North America have dropped over 85%in the last 100 years.


Against A Virus A virus will invade a living cell of body tissue, it will take over the nucleus of the cell and alter its production and reproductive mechanism so as to replicate itself instead of the enzyme, hormone or other chemical the cell was intended to produce.

As the virus changes the cell for its own purposes, the cell reverts to a more primitive form of cell structure and chemistry. The oxygen-metabolising enzyme, or chemical lung, in the cell wall also reverts and is vulnerable to the effect of Colloidal Silver.

The catalytic effect of the Colloidal Silver inhibits the enzyme which then cannot function to bring oxygen into the cell. The virus-producing cell now dies and is eliminated along with the millions of cells that end their usefulness each day.

Against Bacteria Bacteria, which are single-celled & primitive, use an enzyme, or chemical lung, for their oxygen metabolism. The presence of Colloidal Silver inhibits the enzyme, causing suffocation. The bacteria will be killed within minutes and without any effect on the surrounding tissue cells.

Against Fungus A fungus is a series of single cells having tiny tubes of the material of the cell wall stretched between the cells.
Fungi still exhibit that characteristic of any one-celled bacterium – a chemical lung which is immobilised by the presence of Colloidal Silver. It takes only minutes to suffocate the attacking fungus.

Parasitic Infections
Larger doses spread over the day, over several days, should interrupt the life-cycle of the tiny, worm-like animals that burrow through a particular organ.

These parasites reproduce by laying eggs which have the same characteristics of the oxygen-metabolising enzyme as the primitive single-celled bacterium. Without their oxygen supply these eggs cannot hatch, and die.

Research shows that colloidal silver has natural antibiotic-like properties and acts against biological single-celled organisms.

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